Beatriz González


She has an MFA by the Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (1962). MFA Honoris Causa by the Universidad de Antioquia (2000). She was the director of the Education Department of the Museo de Arte Moderno, (1970-1983). She is a curator and exhibitions’ researcher in the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, (1985-1989,2004-2008). She is a Fine Arts Consultant to the Banco de la República. (1985-2008). She has been Art and History Curator in the Museo Nacional de Colombia (1989-2004). Since 1977 she has been researching about museum studies, art history and caricatures. Some of her books are José Gabriel Tatis Ahumada, un pintor comprometido (Carlos Valencia Editores, 1987); José María Espinosa, abanderado del arte y de la patria (Museo Nacional de Colombia, 1994); ¡Quédese quieto!, Gaspard-Félix Tournachon “Nadar”, 1820-1910 (Museo Nacional de Colombia, 1995); Le Moyne en Colombia 1828-1841 (Museo Nacional de Colombia), and several texts of art and criticism.

