Experiences at the Sydney Biennial, 2004
Dislocation and Desire
The Museum as a Work in Progress
Dislocated Spaces: El Ojo Atómico, An Antimuseum of Contemporary Art
Public / Private
Art and Money: Scenes from a Mixed Marriage
The Pertinence of Dialogue
Rina Carvajal
"...these days I'm feeling very confused"
Tension and Irony Between the Public and the Private: Contemporary Art Museums Today
Lista de obra
SITAC VI What's Left... What Remains?
What's left... What remains?
Lo que nos queda. What's left... What remains?
The Right to the City
Panel I
Fragments to Culture, Arts and Intellectuals in the Era of the Unleashed Capitalism
The Artistic Function
Life and Instructions: Three Histories
What's left out?