SITAC XI being-with-one-another
There are many ways of being-with-one-another, many ways of sharing a particular time and space. The experience of mutuality generated by these ways of sharing is of public domain and produce relationships between people giving meaning to this interaction.
SITAC XI reflected on the notion of community. The word-phrase that entitled this edition comes from the idea developed by French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy in his book Être singulier pluriel (Being Singular Plural, 1969), and works here as a trigger to approach different relations and associations between social and cultural phenomena, and artistic practices. In general, Nancy’s thinking inscribes within the Twentieth and Twenty-first Century philosophical discussions of the “being”. His essays are devoted to separate ‘singular’ from the individuality, and the politics of being autonomous. According to Nancy, “… The being has no meaning, but the “being itself”, the phenomenon of “being” is meaning that is in turn its own circulation –and we are this circulation.”
Using this word/phrase and all that it entails as a starting point, the symposium was divided into three days during which various discussion panels and presentations are to act as axis / nucleus / constellations / biomes / trajectories/ families / clues / islands / choreographies attempting to answer specific questions.

August 29, 2013 - August 31, 2013
Jean Luc Nancy, Alexandre Maubert, Tobi Maier, Maria Chehonadskih, Alhena Katsof, Public Movement , Paola Santoscoy, Fernando Palma, Candice Hopkins, Daniela Castro, Mónica Amieva, Suely Rolnik, Pablo Lafuente, Mario Bellatin, Miguel A. López, Övül Durmusoglu, Manuela Moscoso, José Arnaud-Bello, María del Carmen Carrión, Marko Stamenkovic, Helena Chávez Mac Gregor, Georg Gugelberger, Marcela Quiroz Luna, Lucía Sanromán, Tony Chakar, María Berrios, Emiliano Valdés, .PIC , Rafael Ortega , Eduardo Thomas, Asta Vaicuilyte, Matthew Rana, Sofie Van Loo, Vladimir SafatleVenues
Polyforum Siqueiros
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