Tobi Maier


(Germany, lives in São Paulo). Curator and writer, he served as associate curator of the 30th São Paulo Biennial (2012). He previously collaborated at Manifesta 7 in Rovereto (2008) and worked as curator at the Frankfurter Kunstverein (2006-2008) and at Ludlow 38, the satellite of the Goethe-Institut Center for Contemporary Art in New York (2008-2011). Maier has contributed to a variety of magazines, including titles such as Exit Express, Mousse and Art-Agenda and, between 2008 and 2011, the publications edited in the work of Waldemar Cordeiro & Franz Mon, Jozef Robakowski, Julius Koller and Jiri Kovanda, Catalina Parra, The first 3 years of Ludlow 38, Culture and Art Museum of Migrant Workers of Beijing and the h.arta group. The exhibition "The second sex-a visual note", curated by Tobi Maier and with works by Ilene Segalove, Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, Marianne Wex and the Simone de Beauvoir Audiovisual Center was open in the center of La Galerie d'art contemporain In Noisy-le-Sec (Paris) until July 13, 2013. Together with Jonas (J) Magnusson and Cecilia Gröenberg, he recently edited “extra-disciplinary spaces and de-disciplinary moments. Inside and outside of the 30th São Paulo Biennial”, a double issue of the Swedish OEI magazine, which was launched at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm on June 4 and at the Swedish Institute in Paris on June 8, 2013.
