Paula Sibilia


(Argentina, 1967). Argentinean researcher and essayist residing in Rio de Janeiro, specializing in contemporary cultural themes, dealing with the relations between media, digital technologies, artistic manifestations, the human body and subjectivities. She studied Communications and Anthropology at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. In Brazil, she coursed an MA in Communication (UFF), a PhD in Collective Health (IMS-UERJ) and another in Communication and Culture (ECO-UFRJ). She is the author of the books El hombre postorgánico: Cuerpo, subjectividad y tecnologías digitales (2005) and La intimidad como espectáculo (2008), both published in Spanish by the Fondo de Cultura Económica and also in Portuguese in Brazil. She is professor at the Communication's Graduate Program and a faculty member of the Depaartment of Cultural and Media Studies at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). She is also a researcher with an institutional grant from the CNPq and FAPERJ. 



Patronato de Arte Contemporáneo, A.C.
