Nelly Richard
Has studied Modern Literature (Université de La Sorbonne-Paris III). She directs the Revista de Crítica Cultural since 1990. She is the director of the MA in Cultural Studies (Universidad ARCIS). She is the director of the program “Post-dictatorship and Democratic Transition: social identities, cultural practices and aesthetics languages” of the Rockefeller Foundation in Chile, between 1997 and 2000 (Universidad ARCIS). She was awarded the Guggenheim Award in 1996. She is the author of the following books: Feminismo, Género y diferencias(s) (Santiago, Palinodia, 2008); Facturas de la memoria, Arte y pensamiento crítico (Buenos Aires, siglo veintiuno, 2007); Masculino / Femenino, prácticas de la diferencia y cultura democrática (Santiago, Francisco Zegers Editors, 1993); Márgenes e instituciones; arte en Chile desde 1973 (Melbourne, Art and Text, 1987 / Santiago, Metales Pesados, 2008). She was the editor of Arte y Política, co-edited with Pablo Oyarzúnand Claudia Zaldivar (Editorial ARCIS, 2005); Utopía(s): revisar el pasado, criticar el presente imaginar el futuro (Editorial ARCIS, 2004); Pensear en/la postdíctaduria, co-edited with Alberto Moreiras (Cuarto Propio, 2000); Políticas y estéticas de la memoria (Cuarto Propio, 1999).