Mariana Botey


Art historian, curator and artist born in Mexico City. She received her Ph.D. in Visual Studies from the University of California, Irvine, in 2010 and is an Assistant Professor in Latin American Modern/ Contemporary Art History at the department of Visual Arts at UCSD. Her book Zonas de Disturbio: Espectros del México Indígena en la Modernidad has just been published by Siglo XXI Editores. In Mexico, she was the academic director for the graduate theory seminar Zones of Disturbance (August 2009-August 201 l) at the University Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC) in UNAM and a research fellow at the CENIDIAP-INBA (National Center for Research, Information and Documentation of Fine Arts). Her experimental films and documentaries have shown at the Guggenheim Museum, The Reina Sofia, Madrid, The San Diego Museum of Art, The Museo Carrillo Gil in Mexico City, Red Cat Theater at the Disney Hall in Los Angeles and Anthology Film Archives in New York, among many other museums, galleries and festivals. Since 2009 she is a founding member of the editorial and curatorial committee of The Red Specter and, since 2011, of Zona Crítica an editorial collection, a collaboration between Siglo Veintiuno Editores, UNAM and UAM. Other publications include Estética y Emancipación: Fantasma, Fetiche, Fantasmagoría (with Cuauhtémoc Medina) and MEX / LA: 'Mexican” Modernism(s) in los Angeles, 1930-1985 (HATJECANTZ, 2012). She lives and works in San Diego and Mexico City.

