Marcela Quiroz Luna


(Mexico, 1974, lives in Mexico City). She is doctor in Critical Theory by 17, Institute of Critical Studies, recognized with honorable mention for her investigation "The writing, the body and its disappearance". She is an Art Historian and teacher in Art Studies from the Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA, Santa Fe, Mexico). In 2007 she published the book The illusion of being a photographer. Towards a phenomenology of pinhole photography from the work of Carlos Jurado. As an art critic she writes periodically in international publications such as ArtForum, ArtNexus, and salonkritik. Among her latest curators are: "des (c) ierto sentido" (FILIJ-CENART, Mexico, 2011); And "confes (s) sion" (JAUS Gallery, Santa Monica, California, 2010). She is currently preparing the exhibition "Registrations of Hospitality", in co-curation with Geovana Ibarra, for the Zapopan Art Museum (2014). She is the editor of the compendia "(reader) is: make time_SITAC XI". 
