José Luis Barrios


He has an MA in Philosophy and a PhD in History of Art from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). His areas of specialization and expertise are Aesthetics, Theory of Art and Contemporary Art. He has recently published Símbolo, fantasma y afecto. Sies variaciones de la mirada sobre el arte contemporáneo en México (Ediciones de la Meseta, México 2007). He is the editor of Memoria instituida, memoria instituyente, author of El cuerpo disuelto: entre lo colosal y lo monstruoso and he is currently writing his forthcoming book El coloso. Cartografia del terror en regimen imaginario de la contemporaneidad (all the three published by UIA). Among his most recent essays about art the following are worth mentioning: Stand-alone: un platonismo a contrapelo. A propósito de una pieza de Thomas Hirchshhorn, part of the catalogue of the exhibition of this artist presented in the Museo Rufino Tamayo (Mexico City), and Jordi Colomer en el país de Gulliver, Escala, sueño y naturaleza, part of the catalogue of the exhibition of this artist inaugurated in October 2008 in the Point du Jour (París).

He is a tenured professor and researcher in the Philosophy Department of the Universidad Iberoamericana, and assistant professor in the Humanities Department of UNAM. He is the academic-curatorial coordinator of MUAC (Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo) in UNAM. 
