Carles Guerra


PhD is Associate Professor of Contemporary Art at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. Artist and art critic whose work investigates dialogical aspects of visual culture he has curated Art & Language in Practice (Fundación Antoni Tápies. 1999); Dis-exhibit. A retrospective of Perejaume (MACBA, 1999); After the News. Postmedia Documentary Practices (CCCB, 2003); The Invisible lnsurrection of One Million Minds (Rekalde, 2005); Situation Cinema. A retrospectiue of Joaquín Jordá’s films (MACBA and PID. Marseille, 2006); and B Zone. On the Margins of Europe (Fundación Antoni Tápies, 2007). He’s currently preparing a retrospective of Peter Weiss' films and This is not an exhibition, a project on art education.

He organized several symposiums: Visual Culture, Politics of Recognition and Education (1999); Forum Quam-00, devoted to new modes of production in contemporary art (2000); and State of Exception 1972-2004 (2004), a series of presentations discussing aesthetic practices as models for new modalities of labor. He is a guest lecturer in several museums and universities. He’s author of a video interview with Antonio Negri, N for Negri (2000) and edited the Spanish translation of Art & Language’s Writings (2007). He is a member of

the editorial board of Cultura/s-La Vanguardia.
