MexArt DB en VADB
MEXARTDB is a digital memory, conceptualized and supported by PAC. From 2007-2015, MEXART DB was hosted as an open access platform. The contemporary art data base, aimed to spread the word and to document the institutional and organizations programs, as well as the activities of key cultural agents for the construction of the contemporary art scene in Mexico since 1985. The initial development of MEXART DB was first guided by Ana Elena Mallet, and latter on by Mónica Amieva and Willy Kautz.
MEXART DB is back on line, available from the VADB platform, as the data base, was handed to this new Latin-American platform, research and circulation of the contemporary art history in Mexico.
About VADB
VADB is a community that archives works, persons, organizations, events and publications. VADB is based on a model of link-up that organized information on artistic practices, relational, discursive; as well as institutions (as independent spaceS), based on the concepts od 'Local Scenes' and 'Autonomous Management of Art?
All the information on VADB is open access and can be used for research, debate, pedagogy, etc.
VADB community is by more than 700 persons from 15 different countries that work on contemporary art production as well as theory, critic, art history, curatorial and pedagogy.